Title : James Golden (AKA Bo Snerdly) was surprised to see NFL owners "line up against their fans, or a portion of their fan base..."
link : James Golden (AKA Bo Snerdly) was surprised to see NFL owners "line up against their fans, or a portion of their fan base..."
James Golden (AKA Bo Snerdly) was surprised to see NFL owners "line up against their fans, or a portion of their fan base..."
"... deciding that alienating some of the most patriotic people in the country makes good sense for a national sports league, and lining up behind some players that, in some cases, one wonders if they even know what they’re protesting about. It’s all very strange."Strangely, he pronounces the word "strange" strahnge. I guess that's a joke (like saying garbahge for "garbage" (Rush has some running jokes like that)).
The interviewer is Ginni Thomas (the wife of Clarence Thomas). At about 8 minutes into the interview, Thomas asks Golden if he has any "triggers," and he immediately says "Anybody attacking Rush triggers me." He gets pretty emotional about that.
Thus Article James Golden (AKA Bo Snerdly) was surprised to see NFL owners "line up against their fans, or a portion of their fan base..."
That's an article James Golden (AKA Bo Snerdly) was surprised to see NFL owners "line up against their fans, or a portion of their fan base..." This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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